Legacy Society
What is the Legacy Society?
The Legacy Society is comprised of donors in the community who have designated in their will or estate plan that a portion of their estate be gifted to the Foundation upon their passing. Upon designating the Foundation as a beneficiary, you have the opportunity support your favorite non-profts, or choose a community grant-making fund that aligns with your interests to receive grant distributions. You can also manage gifts to multiple entities in one place, which can be changed at any time cost-free. Your legacy gift can include almost any type of asset, from securities, to real estate, retirement plans and life insurance proceedes, as well as stocks, gifts of grain or minerals, and even real estate or farm machinery! By being a member of the Legacy Society, you will get to name your charitable fund, attend special community events, be recognized in WKCF publications, and most importantly, leave a lasting impact on the non-profit organizations you care about most!
Western Kansas Community Foundation partners with Joshua Howard of Clark, Mize & Linville Chartered to provide estate planning design services free of charge, on a first-come first-served basis. This service provides comprehensive guidance in designing an estate plan that minimizes income, gift, estate, and inheritance taxes and facilitates smooth business, farm, and asset transition. The draft plan can then be given to an attorney of your choosing to formalize. Mr. Howard will also review existing plans which can be beneficial especially when significant life changes have occurred. No products are sold or endorsed through this counseling process, only the opportunity to gain ideas, and there is no requirement to leave a gift to the Foundation in order to use estate planning services through the WKCF.
For more information click here, or call the WKCF office at 620-271-9484 to set up an appointment.
Legacy Society Members
Ralph and Marilyn Germann
Gerald L. and Phyllis A. Greene
Joe and Betty F. Benson
Mary Lou Shea
Danna L. Schaller Jones and William M. Jones JR.
Donald R. Messenger and Wauneta I. Messenger
Carl and Carolyn Myers
Martin G. and Judith L. Nusser
Robert A. and Lujuana C. Baker
Ray and Geraldine Mann
Edward M. and Alice M. Banning
George and Lori Hopkins
Roger and Donna Morris
Helen J. Batchelder
Robert and Brenda Drees
Otis and Mary Lee Molz
Lynn Boitano
Christina and Timothy Hanigan
Richard L. Monical
Dennis Barr and Carol Meyer
Milan and Deanna Berry
Kathleen Holt
Lisa Chester
Gary & LuAnn Randle
Jackie and Will Nichols
Giving Options
Learn more about the different options we have available to make it easy for you to contribute.
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