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Western Kansas Community Foundation’s mission is to enrich western Kansas life through philanthropy, collaboration and leadership.  We feel the prudent management and care of the funds entrusted to us is very important in achieving that mission.  The investment and spending policies of the Foundation are designed to ensure careful management of Foundation assets in order to serve the long-term best interests of the community.  It is recognized that these assets constitute a public trust, and the Foundation accepts a high degree of fiduciary responsibility and accountability for them.

The Foundation believes best performance will be achieved through a balanced portfolio invested for long-term growth.  Funds are invested with Commerce Trust Company and governed by the Finance Committee of Western Kansas Community Foundation.

Western Kansas Community Foundation Audited, Condensed Statement of Financial Position

December 31, 2021
Cash & Cash Equivalents -  $1,509,742
Investments - $48,057,755
Real Estate Held for Sale - $0
Mineral Rights - $0
Property & Equipment - $0
Insurance Policies - $15,457
Assets held under split-interest agreements - $0
Total Assets - $49,582,954

Liabilities & Net Assets
Total Liabilities - $1,655,198
Net Assets Without Donor Restrictions - $788,521
Net Assets With Donor Restrictions - $47,139,235
Total Liabilities & Net Assets - $49,582,954

Note: A complete financial statement with the Independent Auditor’s Report as well as the 990-T is available for review in the Foundation’s office. An Independent Auditor’s Report on Financial Statements was issued to WKCF's Board of Directors by Kientz & Penick, CPA's., Manhattan, KS on July 10, 2022.

To access an electronic version of our 990-T reports, please visit the following link:
Western Kansas Community Foundation is a 501(c)3 entity, our Tax ID number is 48-1184667.

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